
sungk's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 920 (From 149 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 13,140 Points


Medals Earned: 2/3 (55/155 points)

Nova 5 Points

Unlock nova by scoring 25 points

ROOD 50 Points

Unlock ROOD by scoring 100 points

Grey 100 Points

Unlock the Grey by scoring 500 points

Unbelievable Sniper

Medals Earned: 5/14 (60/405 points)

Target Practice 5 Points

Complete 1st mission

Balancing act 10 Points

Complete 4th mission

I'm on my way 10 Points

Complete 2nd mission

Need for speed 10 Points

Complete 3rd mission

Up, up and away 25 Points

Complete 7th mission

Balls of fire 10 Points

Complete 6th mission

High Note 10 Points

Complete 5th mission

Ferris wheel of fun 25 Points

Complete 10th mission

Highrise fall 25 Points

Complete 9th mission

Playing with matches 25 Points

Complete 8th mission

Golden scope 50 Points

Complete all missions (Any Difficulty)

Silver scope 50 Points

Complete first five missions

The news is out there 50 Points

Complete 11th mission

Sharp shooter 100 Points

Complete all missions (Harder difficulty)

Undercover Bear

Medals Earned: 6/6 (35/35 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Waddle Antarctic

Medals Earned: 22/23 (240/245 points)

Defender 5 Points

Buy your first shield.

Dumpster Diving 5 Points

Who needs dignity? ...and clean clothes?

Fashion Conscious 5 Points

Buy a new coat of paint.

First Fight 5 Points

Win your first fight.

Gambler 5 Points

Win a gamble at the sledge races.

Level 5 5 Points

Reach level 5.

Level Up 5 Points

Level up for the first time.

New in Town 5 Points

Start playing.

Rocky 5 Points

Knock down a punching bag.

Shrek is love, Shrek is life. 5 Points

Do some sick dance moves.

Swordsman 5 Points

Buy your first sword.

That was a bad idea 5 Points

Make a poor decision in an alleyway.

The World's End 5 Points

Have a beer at the Pub.

All you ever wanted 10 Points


Level 10 10 Points

Reach level 10.

Level 15 10 Points

Reach level 15.

Master Block 10 Points

Buy the best shield.

Spirit 10 Points

Talk to the fountain spirit.

Level 20 25 Points

Reach level 20.

Level 25 25 Points

You must be so over this by now.

Master Attack 25 Points

Buy the best sword.

Golden Astronaut 50 Points

Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.

Brave 5 Points

Face a level 100 enemy.

Welcome to Winkletown

Medals Earned: 3/16 (20/480 points)

Clue Finder 5 Points

Find your first clue.

Training Day 5 Points

Complete the tutorial case.

Initiated 10 Points

Complete your first case!

Coward 5 Points

Abandon a case

For Personal Use 5 Points

Take a mugshot.

Sacked Hard! 5 Points

Have an unacceptable case failure rate.

Amateur Psychologist 10 Points

Come across every trait type.

Tourist 10 Points

Visit every location on the Winkletown map.

Ask No Questions 25 Points

Solve 5 cases without asking any questions...

Interrogator 25 Points

Question 100 Winkles.

No To Shapism 25 Points

Successfully convict a Winkle of every body type.

From the Brink 50 Points

Make a successful conviction on an unquestioned Winkle with 0 A.P remaining.

Man of Action 50 Points

Have a total of at least 20 A.P at any one time.

Time & Motion 50 Points

Make an arrest that leads to a successful conviction within 15 seconds.

Random Encounters 100 Points

Inspect all Unique Winkles.

Real Detective 100 Points

Obtain the final promotion.

Witch Hunt

Medals Earned: 2/30 (10/500 points)

First Blood! 5 Points

You killed Gobu! You bastard!

Have 100 Gold 5 Points

in cold cash.

Arcanist 5 Points

Get all Arcane Spells

Arcanoob 5 Points

Get your first Arcane Spell

Chill! 5 Points

Freeze 500 enemies

Cold Gravity 5 Points

Look, up in the sky!

Crispy! 5 Points

Burn 500 enemies

Defeated King Gobu 5 Points


Defeated the Bonelord 5 Points

Bag o' bones

Deflect 5 Points

Destroy 100 enemy projectiles

Executioner! 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Have 1,000 Gold 5 Points

in cold cash

Interception! 5 Points

Destroy 500 enemy projectiles

King Slayer! 5 Points

Defeat king Gobu with no damage to the crystal

Rune Master 5 Points

Upgrade all your runes

Sapiosexual 5 Points

Get all of Lucrea's skills

Stunning! 5 Points

Stun 500 enemies

Have 10,000 Gold 10 Points

in cold cash

I need a bigger closet! 10 Points

Defeat Bonelord with no damage to the crystal

Slaughterer! 10 Points

Slay a thousand

Talzarus the Azure 10 Points

Finish the game

Dragon Slayer! 25 Points

Kill a hundred dragons

Have 100,000 Gold 25 Points

in cold cash

Rekt Greedling! 25 Points

Defeat the greedling with no damage to the crystal

Have One Million Gold 50 Points

in cold seven digits

Rune God 50 Points

Oh my god... You broke the game.

Vanquisher! 50 Points

Slay 10k

Trophy Collector 100 Points

This makes you awesome.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Words are Weapons

Medals Earned: 5/6 (90/140 points)

Drunk Father 5 Points

Defeat the Drunk Father

Neighborhood Owner 10 Points

Defeat the Neighborhood Owner

Take a Rest 25 Points

Find the place to take a rest

The Best Fighter 25 Points

Defeat the Best Fighter

Trashcan Lover 25 Points

Defeat the Trashcan Lover

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

You Only Get One Face

Medals Earned: 16/18 (340/490 points)

Clean shaven 5 Points

Successfully shaved it all off!

Full beard 5 Points

Successfully find the full beard!

Full Gringo 10 Points

Successfully find the Full Gringo!

King Tut 10 Points

Dig up King Tut

La Poirot 10 Points

Detect la Poirot!

Mutton Chops 10 Points

Lookin' hot in yer Mutton Chops

Napoleon Imperial 10 Points

Successfully find the Napoleon Imperial

Soul Patch 10 Points

Find your soul (patch)

The Lemmy 10 Points

Locate Lemmy!

Thespian 10 Points

Successfully audition the Thespian

Abe 25 Points

Hey Abe, my top lip is awful chilly!

Fu manchu 25 Points

Don't f*** with the Fu Manchu

Goatee 25 Points

Successfully find the Goatee

Zappa 25 Points

Rock out the Zappa

The Souvarov 50 Points

Successfully find The Souvarov

Sparrow 100 Points

Enter random pirate quote here...

Winnfield 50 Points

Successfully find The Winnfield

The Anchor 100 Points

Anchor's away! Aweigh? Meh.


Medals Earned: 3/26 (15/500 points)

Good boy! 5 Points

Play with your dog

Novice 5 Points

Craft your first potion

What's this? 5 Points

Pick your first ingredient

Aeryl 5 Points

Complete Aeryl

Bravado 5 Points

Drink poison

Double Rainbow 5 Points

Scale Mount Ulahard

Elaris 5 Points

Complete Elaris

Immature 5 Points

Annoy the portly man in the shower

Meztla 5 Points

Complete Meztla

Overreaction 5 Points

Burn Duro to get his ship

Potal 5 Points

Complete Potal

Rhisla 5 Points

Complete Rhisla

Ro'gor 5 Points

Complete Ro'gor

Bullet 10 Points

Complete the race across the border

Fortified 10 Points

Collect a health upgrade

Herbalist 10 Points

Collect 100 ingredients

Lynaii 10 Points

Complete Lynaii

Pacifist 10 Points

Complete the race without firing

Sacrilege 10 Points

Enter the locked temple on Meztla

how it will end. 25 Points

Defeat X'o'chthu

Master Alchemist 25 Points

Craft all potions

Sneaky 25 Points

Don't get shot on the Potal battlefield

Fourth Wall 50 Points

Visit the developers

Potion Addict 50 Points

Drink all potions at once

Man of Steel 100 Points

Collect all health upgrades

Masochist 100 Points

Defeat X'o'chthu using Freeze potions only